Jagex Acts Out RS07 Gold Sink & Ironman Issue in Last Man Standing

Only few hours after OSRS Last Man Standing goes live, B0aty farmed 3. 6B rs 07 gold cheap in this minigame. Jagex has taken actions on it and also promised to return items in the situation where Ironman accounts lost everything in this minigame.
Last Man Standing gp sink: everyone is a winner
The event that B0aty earned 3. 6B runescape 07 gold has caused a stir in RS Final Man Standing. The official clarified that, in the minigame, using a ladder caused the player count to be decreased by 1 . Once the player count hits 1, the remaining players within the minigame were all considered to have won and were rewarded with 1 . 5m coins.
This bug never happened in three betas before. And it was certain that the current abuse had no economic impact on Old School Runescape. But to prevent this issue from occurring again, Jagex will fix it as soon as possible, and any scripts responsible for adding any wealth to the game, items or coins, are given additional layers of security on top of the current practices.
Other bugs in Previous Man Standing OSRS
Except for RS 07 Gold sink issue, Jagex also referred to other issues:
1 . For the bug that maple shortbows cost 0 tokens from vending shrines and could be sold to them for 2 tokens, the buy prices for items are default to 2 billion, rather than zero, so that players could not generate extra tokens in game.
2 . For the issue that an ultimate ironman lost a lot of progress for a dangerous death within LMS, Jagex will return the items in situations such as this. Moreover, they will make the priestess’ inventory be a part of the core checks in the future so that the items held in this inventory cannot be dropped when player die.
3. For the problem that ironman trading accounts can complete inside the competitive Last Guy Standing minigame and gain coins from other players, Jagex promise to review the primary checks and take the game mode into consideration in the future.
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